No injecting for 24 hours! (English Video)

No injecting for 24 hours! (English Video)
5:25 Minuten
Online seit:
24.09.2023 - 14:09 Uhr
NUR 715 Coins √

You read that right, you won't be allowed to squirt today for exactly 24 hours from the time you bought the video. Yes, very mean, I know, I love being mean too, but there is one small ray of hope for you, you are allowed to wank your slave . You can jerk off as often and long as you want, only you are not allowed to squirt. Enjoy being allowed to jerk off, jerk off slowly and long so that you can enjoy the beautiful feeling, but the final is missing, so you don't get a happy ending and are d by ladyayse. Listen carefully to what I say in the video and what I ask, you have to follow my instructions exactly without who and but! Now pump your to my video, and the cream stays nice inside!

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